Top Reasons to Not Use Wet Firewood as a Solid Fuel

Winter is nearly here, and it’s time for additional heating arrangements for your home. If you have not stocked up on fuel or your fireplace, it is high time to fulfil that arrangement. After all, the fire plays the double role of heating your room and returning the old childhood winter nostalgia.

Buy Solid Fuel in Hull Carefully:

However, when you select the solid fuels in Hull, be extra careful about their condition. You should be extra cautious in checking the firewood. In many cases, you might get a supply of wet firewood, which can cause severe problems with your stove or fireplace.

Why You Should Not Use Wet Firewood:

There are several reasons not to use wet firewood as fuel for winter. We discuss them in detail in the following parts.

  • Less Heat than Dry Wood: It is natural that wet wood fails to produce much less heat than dry wood. After heating the wood, it takes a considerable time for the wood to absorb its moisture content. As a result, the wet firewood produces much less heat and takes forever to eliminate the water inside.

  • Blockage and Other Fire Hazards: You may find a liquid residue after burning wet firewood inside the stove. It has properties similar to tar and resembles a flaky brown colour. This residue is dangerous for your chimney. If you burn the wet wood repeatedly, the stoves’ pipes may get blocked or cause a dangerous fire hazard.

  • Corrosion is another problem that can negatively affect your stove or chimney. Burning wet wood causes massive condensation, forming on the stove’s upper part. This is highly acidic and can erode the inner surface of a metal liner. Prolonged burning of wet firewood may cause perforation and failure to operate correctly.

  • Health Hazard: If you live in an old-themed property with a traditional fireplace, you might face this problem. The excessive smoke produced from the wet wood is acidic and toxic. If you breathe in the fumes and smoke for a long time, there is a chance that you may get affected by respiratory problems.

For these reasons, you should not use wet firewood as a solid fuel. Contact a trustworthy business like East Riding Coal Supply if you want substantial top-quality power in Hull. We are one of the area’s leading suppliers of coal and other solid fuels. For more details about our business, you can visit our website today.