What Are Some Types of Solid Fuels for Domestic Usage?

Solid fuels have been the most primary energy resource for domestic usage for centuries. Though modern alternatives like gas and electricity have gained considerable ground, solid fuels still remain an extremely significant choice because of a range of benefits associated with them. For instance, they are cost-effective, suitable for all kinds of burners and extremely energy-efficient. All these aspects have made solid fuel in Hull an extremely popular choice. Here, we have highlighted some of the most important solid fuel types for domestic usage.

The four most common types of solid fuels used for residential purposes

Here are some of the most common types of solid fuels that are used for residential purposes. Let’s look at their types, their specificity and usage scenarios one-by-one.


The first of these solid fuels is wood. It is one of the most traditional and widely used solid fuels. One of its main benefits is that it is readily available in many regions. This is especially true where forests are abundant. Wood can be directly used as logs or processed into smaller pieces for kindling. Its another added benefit is that it is a renewable resource. 


The second solid fuel on this list is charcoal. It is usually produced by heating wood in the absence of oxygen. It is thought to be a denser and more efficient fuel than wood. It can produce high temperatures and much less smoke. It is commonly used for a wide deal of cooking and heating purposes. 

Agricultural residues

Oftentimes, agricultural residues like rice husks, corn stalks, and sugarcane bagasse are also used as solid fuels. These materials are usually byproducts of farming, and they can be dried and burned for cooking and heating.



Though coal is widely used in different industrial settings, it is also used for domestic purposes in many households. There are nowadays cutting-edge technologies that can streamline the usage of coles for domestic purposes.

A solid fuel in Hull could be an extremely cost-effective choice with many benefits, such as energy efficiency and universal compatibility with all kinds of burners. If you are looking for quality solid fuels, get in touch with East Riding Coal Supply. We can provide you with quality fuels, burners and all the other materials to keep your home warm.