If you have a fireplace or a solid-fuel stove, you may still relive the nostalgia of heating your room in the traditional way. It makes your room more comfortable, cosy and, most importantly, warm. There are different choices for solid fuel to operate your stove. The most important one among them is coal.
The Various Forms of Coal:
It would be wrong to assume that coals came in only one form. There are different choices from which you have to choose one for your household use. The two most common options among these coals are anthracite and bituminous. Both are used for tendering fires that can warm a room.
Comparison Between Anthracite and Bituminous Coal:
To learn which coal is best for you, we have conducted an in-depth comparison between the two choices. You will receive more information regarding these two forms of solid fuel in Hull. As a result, you will be able to make a strong decision to purchase coal for heating your room.
Before beginning the comparison, it is important to learn the basics of these two types of coal. Bituminous is also known as traditional house coal, as this has been used to heat rooms for years. It is cheap and easy to ignite, hence tremendously popular in the market. Anthracite is another natural coal that has lower sulphur content. It costs a bit more than Bituminous and burns with clean smoke.
- Performance: When you compare the two according to burning and smoke formation, anthracite will have a slight edge. It is perfect for open fire and domestic use. It may be harder to put on fire, but it burns longer than bituminous coal.
- Purity: While producing household use of solid fuels, the suppliers put certain additives. Anthracite coal has fewer impurities compared to bituminous. This helps anthracite to produce a clearer smoke that does not contaminate the air.
- Efficiency: At the end of the day, you want your solid fuel to perform well. They should be cheaper, longer in durability and cleaner than other fuel. By judging all the criteria, it would be safe to say that anthracite is the better option that you can use to make your house more comfortable.
If you want to source good quality anthracite for your household use, contact a trusted outlet like East Riding Coal Supply. We are one of the premier suppliers of various solid fuels in Hull. You can remain assured about the efficiency and performance of the fuel. For more information, visit our website today.